Green Power Electronic Lab.
陳柏宏 / Po-Hung Chen
Honors - Student
SEMBA Best Symposium Award (姚道涵)
SEMBA Honorable Mention (許之秐)
SEMBA Honorable Mention (吳秉真)
SEMBA Honorable Mention (楊富斌)
TWEMBA Master Thesis Honorable Mention Award (洪辰豪)
Winning Prize, 23th Macronix Golden Silicon Awards (姚道涵)
Winning Prize, 23th Macronix Golden Silicon Awards (楊茜茹)
Winning Prize, 23th Macronix Golden Silicon Awards (劉子寧)
Winning Prize, 23th Macronix Golden Silicon Awards (温晨羽)
Outstanding graduate of the Institute of Electronics in the 111th academic year(黃琮勝)
Outstanding graduate of the Institute of Electronics in the 111th academic year(陳伶嘉)
Winning Prize, 22th Macronix Golden Silicon Awards (黃琮勝)
IEEE Taipei Section, Master Thesis Award (陳柏翰)
TSRI Outstanding Chip Design Award, Best Design Award (楊復斌)
TSRI Outstanding Chip Design Award, Best Design Award (徐偉勳)
TWEMBA Outstanding Master Thesis Award (徐偉勳)
TWEMBA Outstanding Master Thesis Award (鄒孟融)
TWEMBA Master Thesis Honorable Mention Award (吳秉真)
110年度中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會榮譽會員 (郭珈瑋)
110年度中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會榮譽會員 (温晨羽)
110年度中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會榮譽會員 (劉子寧)
The Yin Zhi Tong Memorial Scholarship (陳伶嘉、黃琮勝)
IC Design Contest, Finishing Prize (温晨羽、劉子寧)
NOVATEK Fellowship (楊復斌)
MOST College Student Research Project (郭珈瑋)
TSRI Outstanding Chip Design Award, Best Design Award (楊復斌)
TSRI Outstanding Chip Design Award, Best Design Award (陳柏翰)
TSRI Outstanding Chip Design Award, Honorable Mention (鄒孟融)
109年度中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會榮譽會員 (鄒孟融)
Dialog Semiconductor Fellowship (鍾名捷)
Dialog Semiconductor Fellowship (楊復斌)
IC Design Contest, Honorable Mention (陳伶嘉、李文惠)
IC Design Contest, Honorable Mention (黃琮勝、王柏元)
NOVATEK Fellowship (許之秐)
NOVATEK Fellowship (陳柏翰)
NOVATEK Fellowship (鄭皓中)
NOVATEK Fellowship (鄭皓中)
IEEE ASSCC- Student Travel Grant Award (楊復斌)
Winning Prize, 18th Macronix Golden Silicon Awards (鄒孟融、陳逸倫、王廷維、鍾名捷)
Best Poster Award, SEMBA (鄒孟融)
TSRI Outstanding Chip Design Award, Honorable Mention (李卉瑄)
Best Student Design Award, IEEE A-SSCC 2017 (劉季瑋)
TIEEE Master Thesis Honorable Mention, Application Group (李卉瑄)
Bronze Medal Award, 17th Macronix Golden Silicon Awards (廖珮君 李卉瑄 劉季瑋)
TSRI Outstanding Chip Design Award, Best Design Award (劉季瑋)
TSRI Outstanding Chip Design Award, Honorable Mention (李卉瑄)
105年度中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會榮譽會員 (李卉瑄)
TSRI Outstanding Chip Design Award, Honorable Mention (艾益安)
Best Paper Award, SEMBA 2016 (鄭皓中)
104年度中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會榮譽會員 (蘇咨云)
CIC Outstanding Chip Design, Special Achievement Award (林凱鈞)
Youth Thesis Award, The Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering (林凱鈞)
TIEEE Master Thesis Honorable Mention:(林凱鈞)
Bronze Medal Award, 15th Macronix Golden Silicon Awards (李卉瑄 吳仲祥 林凱鈞)
Office: ED516A
Tel: +886-3-5712121 ext. 54203
Fax: +886-3-5715412